Disk Manage

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#storage/disk #lvs #pvs #extend #disk
I give a small size to proxmox when a install it, which make the local-lvm size not enough to create many vm and store iso. So I need to extend the local-lvm to the full size of my os disk.

1. Extend the partition

before my operation, the partition and lvm is like below:
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fdisk /dev/sda    ## make sure the disk is the last partition of the disk
>> p              ## rember the fist sector number
>> d
>> 3
>> n              ## make sure the first sector number is the same before
>> p              ## primary partition
>> w

now lsblk output will show that /dev/sda3 is 930.5G, but still we need to extend the pve-data logical volume

2.Resize the physical volume

use pvdisplay, the result show that the pv /dev/sda3 is still not change(200G).
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pvresize /dev/sda3

after resize the pg, the vg is also back to normal
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3.extend the logical volume

With the vg having enough space, we can extend the local-lvm
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lvextend -r -l +100%FREE /dev/pve/data

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对于根目录所在的分区所在的磁盘Pasted image 20231102015046.png
对于新建磁盘不能删除ext4 signature?
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openwrt extend disk
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fdisk /dev/sda
## 需要注意新建分区必须起始位置对齐,最终位置需要不小于之前的结尾,不然保存修改之后reboot会导致系统不可逆的崩溃
partprobe /dev/sda
df -Th
# 更改没有通知到内核,可能需要重启生效更改

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resize partition

lv, vg and pv

resize lv